About Us

An international and intergovernmental institution, owned and managed by its Member States, for building capacities in the generation and application of user-relevant early warning information.

RIMES evolved from the efforts of countries in Africa and Asia- Pacific in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, to establish a regional early warning system within a multi-hazard framework and build capacities for preparedness and response to trans-boundary hazards, along the declarations of the Special ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting on the Aftermath of the Earthquake and Tsunami (6 January 2005, Jakarta), the Ministerial Meeting on Regional Cooperation on Tsunami Early Warning Arrangement (29 January 2005, Phuket), and the Second Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (November 2007, Delhi).

RIMES was established on 30 April 2009 through the signing by collaborating countries of the RIMES regional cooperation agreement. 22 Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Comoros, Djibouti, India, Kenya, Nepal Lao PDR, Madagascar, Maldives, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Seychelles, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Tonga, and Yemen have signed the RIMES cooperation agreement; other 26 countries including Pakistan are in various stages of agreement consideration and approval. RIMES was registered with the United Nations under Article 102 of the UN Charter on 1 July 2009. RIMES operates from its regional early warning center, located at the campus of the Asian Institute of Technology in Pathumthani, Thailand. 

RIMES provides a portfolio of options for Member States to avail themselves from or contribute to any of these objectives.

RIMES aims to provide regional expertise in building end-to-end multi-hazard early warning capacities for
enhanced preparedness among target communities and authorities, with an overarching goal to support climate and disaster-resilient development.


Forearmed, forewarned, and resilient communities


To bring the best of global /regional best of Science and Technologies to the doorsteps of countries and communities for building climate/hazard resilient society.


RIMES has the ownership of government, hence adheres to the principles of integrity and accountability; the innovation and efficiency of the private sector; and an NGO’s commitment to and passion for societal welfare.


RIMES is designed to serve as boundary institution to seamlessly connect National Scientific and technical institutions such as NHMS, Departments Geo-hazard/ Ocean forecast agencies and intermediary stakeholder sectoral institutions such as Disaster Management, Water Resources, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Public Health, Policy Planning etc. to generate and transform forecast data into end user community relevant actionable early warning/climate information to reduce risks and harness potential resources associated with earth system process through Advance Data Analytics (ADAs) tools.

WHEN We Work Together...

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Member & Collaborating States
Individuals Trained
0 +
Institutions Supported
Decision Support Systems Developed


RIMES’s service delivery focuses on generating, disseminating, interpreting, using, and evaluating of climate information and early warning systems according to its value chain

Enhance data availability

RIMES provides expertise for the establishment and maintenance of regional observing and monitoring systems, assisting National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in developing data integration systems and data sharing mechanisms for enhanced data access and insights for early warning response.

Transform data into actionable information

RIMES promotes a collaborative approach among the NMHSs and intermediary stakeholder institutions in agriculture, water resources, disaster management among others, for co-production of tailored services and decision support systems to transform data into actionable information.

Improve modeling and forecasting capabilities

Forging global and regional partnerships for data sharing and research, RIMES supports NMHSs on generating hydro-meteorological forecasts and develops customized services for providing potential earthquake damage, tsunami, and coastal inundation forecast information.

Community outreach to enhance climate and disaster resilience

RIMES links vulnerable groups to available resources and supports forecast-based action through effective last mile communication, community engagement and capacity building.

Capacity building and research and development

RIMES facilitates capacity building at institutional and community level to effectively interpret and apply early warning information. Furthermore, our dedicated team of experts and a global network of strategic partners position RIMES to foster a vibrant environment for applied research and delivery of demand based services.

Partner with us

Join us for a better life and beautiful futurez

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